Arranging a Baptism
First Step
Families come in all shapes and sizes and children are a special blessing. Our parish tries to make everyone welcome and to provide support and encouragement to parents preparing to have their children baptised.
Because you are asking for your child to be baptised as a Catholic it is important that you nominate at least one godparent who is a practicing Catholic as a real help to you and the child in the development of a life of faith in the years ahead. Given the words they are expected to speak in the promises and acts of faith that are part of the service; it would be disrespectful to the integrity of those who have no faith in God to nominate them as godparents. There are other ways in which they can and will support you and your child.
What next?
You can begin to make arrangements by choosing a date (2 options are best), choosing your godparents, and downloading the guide below which includes the application form which has all information we require for our baptismal registers.
Baptisms normally take place on a Sunday at 12.00 pm, however it is possible for a Baptism to be within our 10.30am Sunday Mass.
Click the guide below which also includes the application form: