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Sacred Heart

Catholic Church


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Becoming a Catholic

The Journey

If you have been thinking about becoming a Catholic we want to help you explore your thoughts a little further in a way that respects your personality, your life story, your questions and your enthusiasms. That is why anyone interested in becoming a Catholic is initially called an enquirer.

Some questions are never fully answered because our continued search for answers is what faith is all about.

Once your initial questions have been addressed and your desire to become a Catholic outweighs any reservations you can ask to enrol as a candidate for reception into the Church.

A wonderful experience awaits if you have never been baptised. You will be introduced to the treasure of the scriptures, our core beliefs, the sacraments and prayer. You will choose a sponsor to be a true friend and companion on your journey of faith and to stand by your side every step of the way.

As Easter approaches, if you are confident that you want to take the next step you may be invited to take part in a celebration at St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham when you will meet people with the same desire from other parishes of the diocese and be formally invited by the bishop to prepare for Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.

Those who have already been baptised and who have taken an active part in the life of another Christian community will be asked to make a renewed act of faith before being Confirmed and receiving the Eucharist.

What Do I Do Next?

If you are thinking about becoming Catholic, you might be thinking what shall I do next? Below are a few suggestions that you might like to consider.


If you are thinking of becoming Catholic, it is possibly because the Holy Spirit is trying to say something to your heart. Talk to God, ask Him to help you in your life, ask Him to help your faith to grow.


See how we celebrate our faith and pray together. Sunday Mass is especially important for Catholics because we gather as a community of faith to worship God together. Non-Catholics are not able to receive Holy Communion but are welcome to come forward for a blessing, indicating this by placing your arm across your chest.

Mass is celebrated on Saturday at 6.00pm, on Sunday at 8.30am & 10.30am.

But remember you don’t have to sign up to everything all at once. You can make a discrete enquiry by speaking with Fr Paul.

Where are we?


31 Vicarage Road, Henley-on-Thames
Oxfordshire, RG9 1HT

Telephone: 01491 573 258